The Pioneer Volleyball Club Promise

This Parent-Player Handbook provides information about the program and is a written contract between parents, players and the club to abide by the policies and procedures of the Pioneer Volleyball Club. Each player, coach, parent, and member of the club leadership team represents the club. The club expects all parties to maintain a positive attitude and uphold the ideals of fair play and good sportsmanship. To participate in the Pioneer Volleyball Club, all players and parents are required to agree to and sign this code of conduct document.


The mission of PVC is to foster the principles of fair play, good sportsmanship, competitive spirit, tolerance and friendship within the United States of America Volleyball (USAV) in general and specifically the Ohio Valley Region (OVR). We strive to provide the highest quality training and competition for young volleyball players at all levels of development. Every practice session, clinic, competition and experience is an opportunity for growth and development, not only on the court but in life.

About Us

The Pioneer Volleyball Club was started in 2021 by a group of women who had been involved in coaching and training volleyball players for many years. The club emphasizes skill development, growth mindset, fitness and mobility training, wellness education, and teamwork in a competitive and supportive environment. We offer club level volleyball teams that compete during the indoor blue season from November to June. These teams consist of 11s – 18s with varying skill levels that provide a competitive youth volleyball experience. During the summer we offer clinics and private lessons.

The club appeals to and develops players who wish to compete at a higher level. Our experienced coaching staff that present consisted and unified philosophies and teaching methods.


PVC aims to provide a positive, healthy environment for youth volleyball players to develop volleyball skills with an emphasis on effort, athleticism, and sportsmanship. We take the long view of an athlete’s development, teaching values of teamwork, responsibility, and self-discipline concurrently with competitive volleyball skills. Coaches are committed to the following goals: 

  • Promote good sportsmanship – model and teach players to honor the game.
  • Model the type of behavior expected of athletes. Lead by example by demonstrating fair play, a growth mindset, sportsmanship, composure and enthusiasm to all players.
  • Demonstrate commitment to a culture of learning, through professional coaching development and certifications, goal setting, and participating in feedback opportunities.
  • Communicate regularly and extensively with players and parents about all practices, tournaments and expectations for the team to run successfully.
  • Place the emotional and physical well being of players ahead of a personal desire to win.
  • Treat each player as an individual, being mindful of the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group.
  • Establish team and individual goals for players and provide honest, regular feedback.
  • Plan and organize practices that maximize learning and keep it fun and challenging for all players.
  • Honor start and end times of practice schedules.
  • Provide a drug, tobacco, and alcohol free environment.
  • Be knowledgeable in the rules of volleyball and teach these rules to players.


In addition to club fees, club teams require a significant commitment by the player and support by the player’s family. Practices are held one to two times per week, and other special practices such as position training or conditioning training may be held at other times. Tournaments are typically 1-3 hours from our area, though some may be further and require an overnight stay.

While family and academic obligations come first and we encourage multi-sport and multi-activity athletes, it is important to understand the commitment required of successful teams. We believe that the vast majority of players can be responsible and diligent to take care of their academic workload throughout the season without conflicting with practices or tournaments. We also ask players and families to do their best to schedule school and family events around your team’s schedule, at least those within your control/influence. 

In the case of other sports and activities, if the athlete has committed to dates/events prior to signing with PVC and those dates have been communicated with the coach, that would be considered a reasonable absence. If the athlete decides to participate in other activities or sports prior to her commitment with PVC, we would expect her to uphold her commitment to her volleyball team first.

In the case of injuries, we feel strongly that there is a great learning opportunity to remain with the team and the presence of an injured player at both practices and tournaments can have a very positive influence on the team.


Scheduled practice time is START time, and not arrival time. Players and coaches are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of each practice to help set-up nets and equipment and for any team-related discussions. Practices are open to parents at the discretion of the coaches and/or club director. All athletes are expected to attend every practice and only an illness/injury that is serious enough to keep the player home from school or a genuine family emergency are legitimate excuses for missing practice. Regardless of the reason, if a player isn’t at practice, her playing time may be affected and players should let their coach know if they cannot be at practice ahead of time. Players are expected to bring water to every practice and to tournaments. Players must help to maintain the facility they are using. Players will not leave practice until all duties are performed and their coaches release them.

Private and Group Lessons

For those interested in private or group lessons with coaches, please schedule sessions directly with coaching staff and pay them directly. Private lessons are offered year round except for in the fall season before tryouts. Lessons are a great way to get one-on-one individual, or small group attention on specific volleyball techniques.

For single player lessons, a parent must be present for the entire duration of the lesson.

For group lessons, parents are not to leave from drop off or pick up until the last parent arrives – and everyone leaves at once.

This ensures that lessons, whether private or group, will always include at least one additional person, aside from the player and the coach in attendance. 

Parent Commitment

We understand that it is our responsibility to provide positive support for your daughter, her teammates, her coaches, her opponents, officials and Pioneer Volleyball Club. OVR Code of Conduct, USAV rules and regulations and the following rules specific to Pioneer Volleyball Club:


  • Promote good sportsmanship
  • Cheer for the entire team, compliment players other than my daughter and celebrate great plays from both sides
  • Recognize effort, not just results
  • Respect the officials
  • Reinforce the growth mindset
  • Refrain from coaching from the sidelines
  • Use positive body language
  • Refrain from commentary on other players
  • Contribute to the function and needs of the team
  • Encourage my child-athlete to speak directly with his/her coach about coaching decisions or other areas of concern. For younger developing players, facilitate a meeting between your player and the coach to discuss any concerns.
  • Wait at least 24 hours after a tournament if I have concerns or questions about my daughters playing time, role on the team, or other coaching decisions that I witness at a tournament.
  • Notify a coach/director immediately if I witness any illegal activity in the club, at practice, or at a tournament.
  • Follow the “chain of command” to lodge a complaint. If the player-coach meeting doesn’t solve an issue, and discussions with the Club Director and/or Director of Coaches are not satisfactory, a meeting will be scheduled with the parents, player, coach and the Club Director.

Player Commitment

I understand that it is my goal to exhibit good sportsmanship to my teammates, my coaches, my opponents, officials, the Pioneer Volleyball Club and myself. I am fully committed to Pioneer Volleyball Club and will abide by the OVR and USAV Code of Conduct and the following:


  • Promote good sportsmanship
  • Respect the officials, coaching staff, and parent volunteers
  • Respect the history and tradition of the sport of volleyball by being a good ambassador
  • Use positive body language
  • Support teammates with positive comments
  • Always give full effort at practices and in games
  • Follow protocol while on the sideline/ bench: Stay next to the coach for instruction. Watch the game. Support teammates with positive comments. Mentally prepare to return to the game. Let the coach decide on substitutions.
  • Bring water to every practice and tournament.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of each practice to help set-up nets and equipment.
  • Respect all practice and game facilities and their respective staff. Each player is expected to pick up their trash, help put all equipment away properly, and leave the facilities clean.
  • Notify the coach if you cannot attend a practice or a tournament.
  • Always display a positive attitude towards teammates and coaches.
  • Communicate directly with coaches. Players are encouraged to ask questions and direct their own development.

Additional Player & Parent Info

  • No player is guaranteed playing time in a tournament without participating in practices, showing enthusiasm, demonstrating good sportsmanship, participating in officiating assignments, and working at developing skills.
  • No player is guaranteed a specific position. All positions are determined by the coaches. The coach will assess strengths and weaknesses of all players to determine where an athlete best fits in the line-up.
  • No player is guaranteed membership for future seasons. Each new season, the number of teams and roster size will be determined by number of available coaches, availability of facilities, and previous behavior of the player and parents, including payment of fees.
  • Players may not drink alcohol, smoke, vape, take illegal drugs, use steroids, or any other harmful or illegal substance. Players may not possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If it is determined that these rules have been violated, the player will be sent home immediately and face possible dismissal from the team without refund.
  • If a player is suspended or expelled from the club, the player is not entitled to any reimbursement of any fees paid.


  • Problem Behavior = discussion (Coach/Director)
  • Unexcused absences and tardiness = suspension from play (Coach)
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior = suspension from play (Coach)
  • Stealing, drug use, alcohol use = expulsion from club (Director)
  • Serious violation of rules = expulsion from club (Director)